Pope Francis, the USCCB and Bishop Guglielmone have all issued statements in response to the recent news about sexual abuse committed within our church by members of the clergy especially within the report issued by the State of Pennsylvania and about a member of the hierarchy (see links below). As priests of this Diocese, Fr. Jacob and I join with our Bishop and reaffirm our commitment to you and to our priesthood. These tragic incidents, at times, tend to dwarf the efforts of thousands of priests who wake up each morning with nothing more on their minds then a fervent prayer to do God's will throughout the day. On behalf of our brothers, we humbly ask for your prayers and spiritual support that the Lord will keep us faithful to our ordination promises. The Church on earth is composed of sinners who strive to become saints! May the Lord Bless us, as together we seek to build up the Church as the very Body of Christ, a community of people who trust that we can regain favor in His sight.