Becoming Catholic - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation ofAdults
This is the process for the initiation of adults and children of catechetical age (over seven years of age) and the reception of baptized candidates into the Catholic Church. Instruction, spiritual formation, discernment, and rituals that celebrate the various stages of conversion are all part of this process leading to sacramental reception into the Church. For adults, phase one, (Inquiry), takes place on Tuesday evenings, biweekly during the entire year. Phase two takes place during and following the 9:30 Mass on Sundays. We always need sponsors, catechists, and special events helpers.
Just because you start OCIA, doesn't mean you are committed to finish. If you are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to come. All are welcome!
Please contact Michelle Hollis at [email protected] for more information.